
I’m finally having my first medical meeting without a mask on!  I can see the doctor’s face!  We are on a telemedicine call and I’m meeting the surgeon who will work on my baby’s heart.  The surgeon explains the procedure including that the conduit can come from various places- including a cadaver. (I have feelings about this that I’ll explore later).  For now, I’m cautiously asking the doctor about success rates with small babies.  They tell me that he did the same surgery on a baby that weighs less than my baby- and that child just turned 16.  I’ve found my surgeon! 

Journal-Blood needed

I’m back at the hospital again.  This time it’s for an anesthesia consultation.  I can never figure out when/how to tell medical providers about the death of Breelyn.  I need my entire team to know- including anesthesia.  So I take a deep breath and say it. And it’s ok. 

I’m told that there could be blood loss during the scheduled c-section.  I ask about getting blood donated for me and the baby and learn that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.  I’m a bit bummed.  I know that there is a shortage of blood and I’m sad that I may have to take a withdrawal.  I vow to donate blood when I’m well as a payback for the generosity that I’m being shown.

Journal-Uterus needs help

Just 24 days before I deliver my baby, I’ve finally found a hospital that can safely deliver him.  I navigate the one way streets and attempt to avoid pot holes as I try to find the parking garage.  I miss the correct garage which ends up costing me an extra $20 because they don’t validate.  But, I make it there on time.  Well- I’m actually a bit late, but my cousin-in-law is on time.

I’ve brought a friend because I’ve found that I seem to shut down when there is detailed complex information shared.  And I know that there will be A LOT of information.  Another table to lie upon while my cousin in law sits in a nearby chair- pen poised and ready!

Confirmation received- baby has Tetralogy of Fallot and I have a problem with the placenta.  The doctor who will deliver me doesn’t know for sure how extensive the placenta growing into the wrong body parts is- but a hysterectomy is mentioned.

Wow. Well, ok.  I’m not planning to use my uterus again for a baby delivery and I can’t say that I’ve loved navigating monthly periods since the age of 13.  So, ok, this may be ok. 

Oh and Tetralogy of Fallot means that baby will have numerous surgeries.  The first to occur soon after birth.

And it also takes me 45 minutes to locate my parking garage☹


My mom is sharing her frustration while getting her hair cut.  Bless the stylist, her listening ears, and her compassion.  The stylist has a baby with a heart defect.  She’s been through this.  She interviewed hospitals and chose University of Maryland Medical Center to take care of her little one.  The stylist asks my mom for my contact information and ten minutes later, someone is calling from the University of Maryland Medical Center Fetal Heart Program.  It seems so weird that the lifeline came from my mother’s hair stylist.  Serendipity- for sure!